The ELMS 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN Laser Cartridge Training System lets you train at home with your own gun! The firing pin activates a laser which allows the shooter to instantly see the point of impact with each shot, while the G-Sight phoneApp records your hits with your phone camera. Stay sharp between range sessions and get more out of your dry fire practice with real time feedback. Always remember to follow all gun safety rules at all times. TO LOAD YOUR CARTRIDGE INTO YOUR SHOTGUN; Insert the ELMS 12GA cartridge complete with the laser side first into the ejection port and push the cartridge forward firmly into the chamber. Note the four indented notches/grooves that are on the Back Cap rear rim. Rotate the cartridge with a ball point pen so that the extractor will pass by traveling through a notched area and miss the laser cartridge lip when racking/pumping your shotgun (otherwise your cartridge will eject each time your rack it) Continue to train while racking to fire the laser cartridge as normal. To remove your ELMS cartridge, rack back to expose the ELMS cartridge - with your ball point pen rotate the cartridge about 1/4 turn so that the extractor will now catch the lip of the ELMS cartridge Back Cap, then press your bolt release, rack chamber forward, pull trigger to fire one last time, rack back and the ELMS cartridge will eject into the port. FOR HELP WITH YOUR ELMS 12GA LOADING OR UNLOADING PROCEDURES, WATCH THE INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO at www.g-sight.com or call 844-659-0505
- Have fun while using any our wide variety of G-Sight custom designed FUN TARGETS or shoot at a target that you already have. (see details on best target results for accurate laser strike app recognition)
- Practice fundamentals such as trigger press, sight picture alignment and breathing control in the comfort of your own home.
- Works as quickly as you can pull the trigger with double action; cycle the action between shots with single action.
SAFETY FIRST CHAMBER BLOCK FEATURE: When any ELMS or ELMS PLUS Laser Training Cartridge is correctly inserted into the chamber of a firearm, that chamber is empty of live ammunition and The Laser Cartridge acts as a live round excluder or Chamber Block. The ELMS Laser Cartridge maintains its fixed position inside the chamber shot after shot because it cannot be auto ejected with the extractor.
Always follow firearms safety rules and verify that all live ammunition has been removed your laser training area including any in clips/magazines.
- 1 year manufacturer warranty. Refer to details and contact info in our user manual.
- Free companion app requires iOS 10.0 / Android 6.0 or newer. Contains in-app-purchase features such as a shot timer.
- Extra set of batteries and O-rings are included in your ELMS PLUS case.
Tips and Tricks Full Screen.mov from G-Sight on Vimeo.