NOVEMBER CONTEST!!! Create your own G-Sight/ELMS Commercial and WIN BIG!

Contest Time!
We are looking for the best G-Sight commercial, created by the best people we know, our customers!
You get to be the Director in creating your own masterpiece commercial. You can use your cell phone or video camera, but please submit the final version in a horizontal 16.9 format.
Starting today until November 16, at 5pm PST we will be taking submissions for the most creative, fun, energetic, humorous commercials you can create.
Here are the rules...
1. HAVE FUN! Show us your creative, side.
2. Commercials must be a max of 30 seconds. Longer submissions will be disqualified.
3. Format for commercials should be any .mp4 or H 264 format. You can use your cell phone or video camera, but please submit the final version in a horizontal 16.9 format. Videos can be sent to via, dropSend, (A free file transfer service.)
4. Your commercial MUST show the G-Sight Product.
5. Entering this contest, you permit G-Sight Solutions to use your commercial content in the future.
6. The G-Sight team will pick the top 3 commercials and put them on the G-Sight Facebook, on Monday, November 22, 2021 for the public to vote on. Voting ends, Wednesday November 24th at 5pm PST.
7. The winner will be announced on Friday, November 26th via G-Sight Social Media.
WINNER will receive a PRO PACK, ELMS+ Baseball cap and G-Sight Polo.